
Last Edited : Feb 19, 2024

For a better understanding of how the system works, we kindly ask you to review these frequently asked questions before using it.

  • MyReport is a tool for compiling information and presenting it in an organized and understandable manner in essay or report mode.
  • The user just sets the objective of the report by entering its title and abstract (or executive summary).
  • The approximate number of words of the report to be generated is also set.
  • The final product is a report in Google Workspace Document format that will be shared with you via a link.

This has countless applications, from creating an initial working document, to an informative blog post, to the basis of a research essay as well as the foundations of an academic assignment.

The generated reports will be deleted from time to time (normally 90 days after their generation), so we recommend that you save a copy or download or export them in the format and location of your choice to keep them forever.

At the moment all reports are generated only in English, Spanish or French, and it is expected that all information sources will also be in that language.

The report description (title and abstract/excutive summary) can be entered in any language and the tool will translate them in advance. But the output report will only be in one of the supported languages ​based on the user’s choice.

  • The software does not create new concepts or perform deductive or inductive analyzes on the information.

  • MyReport does not generate new business ideas or investment recommendations or or strategies to follow, it simply collects information on the subject and generates a starting document on which to work and provide the human spark.

  • The software also does not discover new ideas from the data, so you can get a foundation for a research paper but not with unique perspectives or novel approaches to the topic, and also with no postulation of questions or hypotheses to contribute to the research.

  • So MyReport also does not replace a human researcher, but is simply a tool to gather and present information from different sources, so you have a starting point.

This is not a limitation of AI itself, but rather a self-imposed limitation, because the goal is to offer demonstrable and verified information rather than speculation or hallucinations.

The information necessary for the report is automatically searched on the Internet, selecting the sources and taking the most relevant ones, as well as choosing the pieces of information that best fit the desired content.

Additionally, the user can specify links to publicly available data that they want to be considered in the report, or whitelist the sites or domains of interest to narrow the search.

Besides that, with the professional plan, you can connect with your data documents, through a shared drive, to use them for the report content with full privacy.

From the links provided, the system will extract the information (whenever permitted) and decide which parts of that information are most appropriate for the objective of the report to be generated, to include them in it.

  • You can include up to 20 links to be taken into account for the report generation
  • The accepted links are those pointing to web pages (html), documents (pdf, docx, odt, rtf, txt, epub), spreadsheets (xlsx, ods, csv), presentations (pptx, odp) and images (jpeg, png, tiff, svg), by now.
  • The information should be in the supported languages.
  • Please, use publicly accessible links and avoid those that require a mandatory log in to access to the information.
  • Sub-links included in the content are not followed, e.g. If a web page includes links to other pages on the same or different websites, they will not be used for the report.

ATTENTION: Some anti-bot mechanisms may block information retrieval.

You can add a list of some domains or sites to search.

  • You can include up to 5 sites or domains in the whitelist.
  • The tool will search at those sites for information for the report, instead of searching the whole web.
  • The information in those sites should be in the supported languages.
  • Please, use publicly accessible sites.

ATTENTION: Some anti-bot mechanisms may block information retrieval from some sites.

With the professional plan, you can share documents and data with MyReport as information sources for generating the reports.

  • You will have to create a Google Drive folder to store the documents you have selected for the report. Or you can reuse another folder that you already have.
  • Then you will share this folder with viewer permissions to (our user).
  • Please check information about Google Drive folders or documents sharing in this link.
  • We discourage you from sharing to “anyone with the link” because it would be unsafe.
  • The system will read and process the documents only during the report generation and they will not be used to train any AI or copied anywhere.
  • When you are done with the report(s) at your entire satisfaction, you can remove the permissions.

Whenever you have a collection of documents with enough data to generate the report and you don’t have time to go through them and select the relevant information, and summarize it to write a nice new document, let MyReport do the heavy lifting!

  • Currently we only support Googgle Drive sharing, but we are working hard to support other famous drives (OneDrive, Dropbox, Box, Adobe Document Cloud, iCloud, MediaFire).
  • The system will use all the files found in the folder and its sub-folders.
  • Do not include in the folder any shortcut to another document in the drive if the destination document is not shared with us as well.
  • If you prefer to share just a Google Drive document instead of a whole folder, it will work too.
  • Please, include only the documents that are relevant for the report you are about to generate, so the process will work faster.
  • You can include up to 100 total files with a maximum of 100 Mb size each.
  • The google documents (gdoc, gsheet, gslides) cannot exceed the size of 10 Mb each.
  • Web pages (html), documents (pdf, docx, odt, gdoc, rtf, txt, epub), spreadsheets (xlsx, ods, gsheet, csv), presentations (pptx, odp, gslides) and images (jpeg, png, svg) are accepted (by now).
  • Please do not include compressed files (as zip or rar).
  • The information should be in the supported languages.
  • For spreadsheet files, it is very helpful if besides the tables with figures you have some text describing where those numbers came from or what is the purpose of that data, because the tool cannot read your mind 😇.

We do our best to keep your documents private and secure:

  • The files will be read exclusively during the report generation.
  • All the information is solely used for the report generation purposes.
  • The files will not be stored anywhere, human readed or used for any AI training.
  • The access to our platform is secured with your authentication user.
  • All the communications are encrypted following the best industry standards.

Some useful tricks for data sharing:

  • For spreadsheet files, it is very helpful if besides the tables with figures you have some text describing where those numbers came from or what is the purpose of that data, because the tool cannot read your mind 😇.

  • Please, include only the documents that are relevant for the report you are about to generate, so the process will work faster.

  • We recommend you to share a folder with our account and just include and remove the documents you want to use for different reports.

    • So when you are done with the last report to your entire satisfaction, you can move all the documents away from the folder and leave it empty. Then you can in the future insert new documents in the same shared folder for a different report generation without having to configure the sharing again.

    • You can find information about Google Drive folders or documents sharing in this link.

  • If you intend to re-use some documents as the source for more than one report, it is preferable to share the folder with editing permissions, so we can create a cache with pre-processed documents in your same drive folder, speeding the next report(s) generation.

For now, sources are referenced using IEEE style by default, and you can choose to use APA style if you want. However, the references and citations formatting heavily rely on the information sources being able to provide the title and authors and date for the content, in most of the cases only available for academic sources.

We are working hard to implement other alternatives (as MLA).

To obtain good quality reports suitable for your objectives, it is important to properly transmit your wishes to the AI. To do this, we ask you to follow these lines of action:

  1. The title and abstract (or executive summary) should match the same topic.
  2. Please write normal text, without using capital letters or keywords, just set the title and abstract as they would appear in the actual report.
  3. Avoid using bullets, enumerations or lists in the summary, simply write a paragraph describing the contents of the report.
  4. The title and abstract should include complete sentences, do not cut them in half just because there is not enough space to fit the text you need, in which case make a summary of what you want to achieve.
  5. Do not try to micromanage the report by writing in detail the sections that you want it to include in its index, it is preferable that you focus on the main contents that you want, the tool will take care of organizing them for you.
  6. It is advisable to expand the acronyms at least in the title, and especially if they are not very common or used. For example: instead of simply writing “IoT” you can write “IoT - Internet of Things”.
  7. Don’t hide information from the system, if you want the report to focus on a specific geographic area or time period, tell it. The more precise you are in your request, the better.

Keep in mind that MyReport does not know personal information about you or your work, so if you request something like “A report about the great achievements I have obtained in the last year” it will not know what to offer you.

As a final note, the system is based on finding sufficient sources of information in the supported langues on the topic in question; If your application only has sources in other languages, the report may fail.

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